Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Andrew Brooks Photography

Alot of Andrew's work is about taking a series of photographs and merging them together into one shot, giving a big span of information. He picks out the best parts of photos and brings them together to create one perfect shot.
This idea reminds me of our project that we are doing as a group. How we are looking at different parts of manchester and are going to bring all the best bits of information that we each collect, together and try to combine these.
Andrew's work isnt just about the shot, It's about the experiences and feelings that he got from that place. He brings these into his photography, to give the viewer a real feel of what it was like to be there. This is an idea that we could use within our project, trying to record enough information about each place within manchester to give a real feeling of the culture within that place and really 'capture an experience'.
It's definately worth taking a look at some of Andrew's work. He did a collection of photography in 2008 in Urbis museum called 'Hidden Manchester'. Here he has recoreded spaces around manchester that we wouldnt normally see, but he has also recorded them in an unobvious way, paying attention to things that perhaps we wouldnt normally notice or think much of.

He really explored Manchester and says that it is important to dig out information about how it is presently but also how it was in the past as this gives you an understanding of why its like it is.

Andrew Brooks also does videos by using thousands of still images he collects them together and edits them on a program called aftereffects which is simular to photoshop. One he showed in the talk -

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